Learning to Remain Hopeful During Dark Times

The first week of 2021 is behind us and what a week it has been. Soaring Covid-19 numbers, continued social and civil unrest and the terrible attack on our nation’s Capital and our democracy. Is this a sign of the weeks to come?

Despite such a difficult 2020 and the tumultuous first week of the New Year, l choose to remain hopeful. In the midst of pain, fear and disappointment, we have to choose to focus on the positive, looking for signs of hope (no matter how small) and better days to come.

How do you manage to remain hopeful during difficult times? Here are specific steps I use to stay positive and hopeful, while preserving my mental health, seizing each and every day!

1. Let Go of the Past

When dark days come, it’s easy to stay focused on the dark side of life but we can’t always take the easy route to win in life. We must let go of past problems and issues that we can do nothing about. Take each day for what it is, grateful to be alive and for what each new day will bring.

Letting go of past challenges isn’t always easy, however. I find that the more difficult the situation, the more likely I am to dwell on the situation, replaying it in my mind over and over. To combat the “constant replay” in my mind, I try to allow myself a certain amount of time to dwell on a situation before letting it go and moving on. I get it out of my system by talking out the situation with my husband or a friend, journaling to help process my feelings or praying and meditating. After that, I do my best to let it go. While some days are better than others, this is a method that has helped me remain hopeful and positive each and every day regardless of what is going on around me.

I practice prayer and meditation every morning, excited about the new day, ready to take it on with positive energy – a new hope. No matter what you are going through, find a way to let go of the past each and every day. Some situations are more traumatic than others and might require more support to let go of the past. Consider a therapist or whatever method helps you preserve your mental health. It’s key to living a good, and positive life – the life of your dreams.

2. Don’t Worry About the Future

Not worrying about the future is something I continue to work on. I am naturally a forward thinker and often think about and plan for the future. Being future focused makes me tend to worry, but how do I mitigate worry? After planning for the future, I have faith that things will work out for my good, even if not in the way I planned.

Much of life is out of our control. As much as I like to plan for the future, focusing on what I can control helps, along with having faith that things will work out in my favor regardless. This is where faith, prayer and meditation come in, believing that all things work together for my good. I have also learned that most of the things I have worried about never happen, so why focus my energy in that way? It’s not productive!

It’s time for you to stop worrying and start living, focusing on the positive. Focusing on what you can control.

3. Live Life for Today (Be Present)

There is nothing better than living for today, enjoying every life moment. Every day we have breath is a gift and there is something beautiful that can be found in every moment of life. We just have to look for it.

One of the ways I focus on being present is to start the everyday with meditation, prayer and journaling. It helps me to get centered and ready for what the day will bring. I also stop and take breaks throughout the day to smell the roses by listening to music, taking a walk – doing things I enjoy.

I also focus on what I am doing in the moment whether I am working out, talking to a friend, watching a television show, or listening to the words of a song. It helps to appreciate the beauty of every moment. Since I am a future thinker this isn’t an easy practice for me and something I word on every day.

4. Be Grateful

Having an attitude of gratitude helps to get through dark times. It’s easy to focus on what’s not going right but don’t take the easy route. Take the road less traveled and find something to be grateful for every day. It helps you focus on positive things, which can propel you to take action in a way that will help you get through a dark life period. Studies have shown that there are benefits to gratitude including: improved physical and mental health, better sleep and improved self-esteem,

What do you have to lose? Give thanks starting today and make it a daily practice.

Implement these steps to help you get through dark times. It won’t always be that way. You have to navigate the ebbs and flows of life and make the best of each and every day. Stay hopeful! Stay positive!

All The Best!

Angela Spears is a Certified Career & Executive Coach through Coachville and the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She is the owner of Dream Living with a mission to help you achieve phenomenal results in your Life, Career and Business.

If you need a tool that will help you articulate your dreams and live life on your own terms, check out my Dream Living Journal. A tool designed to help you map out a plan and achieve your vision and dreams.

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