Goal-Setting for your Life, Career and Business

2020 was a tough year for many and putting 2020 in the past is a gift to us all. When we experience tough times in life, it’s nice to get a fresh start with the launch of a new year. It gives you a sense of starting over, pressing the reset button and letting go of the things in the past.

While there are many things we cannot control, we can control how we react to life and be intentional about living life in the way we desire. One way to do this is to set goals and a good time to do so is as the start of a new year.

I personally love the holidays and the start of a new year. it’s motivating to me to reflect on what I accomplished the previous year then focus on the upcoming year. I start by reviewing the goals I set for the previous year, assess and document my progress. Then I set goals for the new year in my life, career, business, health, relationships, spiritual and financial.  It’s an energizing activity, especially as the year progresses and I track and achieve my goals.

During the latest episode of the Dream Living Podcast focused on Goal-Setting, my guest, friend and HR professional, Terri Thomas shared that she intentionally set goals focused on getting out of her comfort zone. A good practice to ensure your growth and development throughout the year. Something I also practice and strongly encourage. If you intentionally stay out of your comfort zone you are guaranteed to experience growth.

To gain more insights about Goal-Setting for your Life, Career and Business, click below to listen.

During the podcast, Terri and I share that setting goals is like having an internal roadmap, taking ownership of your destiny. Not letting life happen to you but being proactive, focusing on what you can control to create a life that you love.

What is a framework you can use to set goals for your career or any area of your life? I recommend my DREAMS framework. A framework I use for myself and my clients that has proven to get results.

1. Define

First, define your goals and aspirations. Here are a couple of examples focused on career.

  • To gain more manager experience by leading XX project achieving the established metrics for the project. I will collect feedback from the team through a 360 feedback survey to assess my leadership performance.
  • To be promoted to XX position by XX date.
  • “To be known as a leader committed to the growth and development of those I lead, while being recognized as a thought leader in my industry.”
  • “To be a VP known for driving change in multiple organization continuously making a positive impact on business outcomes.”

2. Reflect

Reflection is an important practice allowing you the opportunity to pause, observe past experiences and create a sense of clarity and meaning.

Answer questions such as:

  • What are my natural skills and talents? What value do I offer?
  • What am I passionate about?
  • What has gone well in my career / life /business? What is working?
  • What hasn’t gone well?
  • What does success look like in my journey?

Don’t rush the process because gaining clarity is what will help you achieve your career goals. Be honest with yourself when answering the questions.

3. Explore

Explore options and define your next move. Do your research and identify opportunities that make sense as a next step. Set a goal to shoot for.

I personally find assessment tools such as Birkman Assessments to be helpful with this step because it can help you get clarity about your strengths, development opportunities and even potential careers that fit your interests. Assessments can support the Reflection step and a great tool I use with coaching clients to help them get clarity. capitalize on strengths and work on development opportunities.

4. Act

Set clear goals and actions steps that will help you achieve your goals. Ensure goals are actionable and don’t forget to set a deadline. Be clear about the next step you will take to achieve your goals.

5. Monitor

Review your goals and develop a system to check your progress and measure success. Treat your life and career like a business, taking time to review and re-evaluate your goals, ensuring you are focused on the right things.

6. Soar

If you want to move from stuck and unsure to SOARING in your life, career and/or business, get in the driver’s seat and complete the steps above. Repeat as needed to achieve the life of your DREAMS. You are the master of your destiny, not your company or anyone else. Devote time every day, week and month taking actions that will lead you closer to achieving your goals.

Do you want to learn more about how to win at Goal-Setting?

1. Stay tuned for more information about our Goal Setting and Vision Board Party – coming to you in March. Dates and details will be set and communicated soon. Listen to the podcast for more goal-setting insights to get you started and participate in this March event to continue the process. Goal setting and monitoring progress is a year-round process.

2. Check out my Dream Living Journal. A tool that will help you track and document your career goals and dreams, monitor progress and track completion. It is a tool me and my coaching clients use to support success and help you structure your goal practice.

Angela Spears is a Certified Career & Executive Coach through Coachville and the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She is the owner of Dream Living with a mission to help you achieve phenomenal results in your Life, Career and Business. To explore how Angela can help you take charge of your career, schedule a free 30-minute initial consultation by clicking the button below.

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