Integrating Passion Into Your Career

Can you integrate your passions or hobby into a career? Some say, “Do what you love, and the work will follow.” Is it truly that easy?

Many suggest starting your own business. While this certainly is a way to make it happen it isn’t the only way. Many people have careers and have invested a lot of time building it and simply want to find ways to integrate passion, joy and happiness into their careers. How do we get there?

1. Identify Your Passion

Passions are areas which hold our excitement and interest. Something that holds meaningful value. Passion can even be linked to life purpose and defined as the reason something exists or something that creates life meaning.

If you are aware of your passion or life purpose, BRAVO! You have achieved the first important step.  If you haven’t, here are a few questions you can answer that will help.

  • What excites you?
  • What did you love to do when you were a child?
  • What can you spend hours doing with no complaints?
  • What can you talk about for hours that makes you light up?
  • If you had all the money in the world, how would you spend your time?

2. Incorporate Your Passions Into Your Work

When you discover your passion, find a way to fit it into your career. Here are a few thoughts to consider…

  • Consider how can you use your passion to solve a challenge in the workplace. Maybe you have a love for photography or video editing. Offer your skills to the marketing team at your organization. You can even use this opportunity to prepare for a possible career change?
  • Passionate about coaching?  Get your coaching certification and work with your organization to start a coaching practice and build your credibility as a coach.
  • Passionate about reading? Start a book club at work or find ways to incorporate reading into your day.
  • Work with your organization to start an Employee Resource group related to one of your passions.
  • Get involved in work projects where you can apply your passions.
  • Identify transferrable skills related to your passion that align with a specific career path.

Take ownership of your career by creating opportunities that will help you integrate more passion into your career. You are the master of your career and it might involve taking some risks to get there.

3. Identify Role Models

Identify others who are living their passions in a way that you admire? Consider how they incorporate passions into their career. Follow their social media outlets or contact them directly. You can learn so much from others that can help you tremendously.

Integrating passion into your career can be rewarding because it keeps you engaged in your work resulting in higher performance and higher reward.  If you find yourself unhappy in your work, consider these suggestions. If you think you are ready for a Career Transition, explore Progression Partners solutions to assist you. I lead the Career Development solutions for Progression Partners along with helping you manage your career, your way at Dream Living.

Angela Spears is a Certified Career & Executive Coach through Coachville and the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She is the owner of Dream Living with a mission to help you achieve phenomenal results in your Life, Career and Business.

If you need a tool that will help you articulate your dreams and live life on your own terms, check out my Dream Living Journal. A tool designed to help you map out a plan and achieve your vision and dreams.

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