Make Your Next Move Your Best Move

Have you ever thought about making a career transition and unsure of the right steps to take?

Maybe you know what you want in your career, but opportunities simply don’t show up in the timing expected?

Are you discontent with what you are doing and unsure what to do about it?

You are not alone. I have personally had moments in my career where I felt the same.
When I started my career, I was very clear on what I wanted to achieve and was successful at achieving my goals. After a few years I faced a moment of uncertainty and frustration. I questioned what I wanted to do with my career, and it wasn’t a good feeling.

First, I had to acknowledge that interests, priorities and goals can shift over time. We learn, grow, change and evolve. That is a part of life. Facing this period of uncertainty was scary and somewhat overwhelming to me but I sought to address one important question. “What can I do about this situation?” “How can I take control to navigate my way through this?” Here are the first couple of steps I used to help me find my way.


Next, I had to revisit my career goals and develop what I call a Career Vision Statement to help me get clear about what I wanted. A Career Vision Statement reflects what you want to achieve in your career. It should capture the big picture for your career including your goals and the overall impact you hope to make.

Here are a few examples:

“To be known as a leader committed to the growth and development of those I lead while being recognized as a thought leader in my industry.”
“To be a VP known for driving change in multiple organizations, continuously making a positive impact on business outcomes.”


Reflection is an important practice allowing you the opportunity to pause, observe past experiences and create a sense of clarity and meaning.

Answer questions such as:
⦁ What are my natural skills and talents? What value do I offer?
⦁ What am I passionate about?
⦁ What has gone well in my career? What is working?
⦁ What hasn’t gone well in my career?
⦁ What does success look like in my career journey?

Don’t rush the process because gaining clarity is what will help you achieve your career goals. Be honest with yourself when answering the questions.

Taking these first 2 steps will get you off to a great start in discovering your next career move.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this blog to learn the rest of the steps.

Angela Spears is a Certified Career & Executive Coach through Coachville and the International Coaching Federation. She is the owner of Dream Living with a mission to help you achieve phenomenal results in your Life, Career and Business. To explore how Angela can help you take charge of your career, schedule a free 30-minute initial consultation by clicking the button below.

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